Tuesday, April 19, 2011


On Thursday, my Dad left work early because he had a rash on his wrist/hand. It is very faint, but still a rash. He got blood work done that day. As far as I know, he does not know the results yet. It has somewhat started to go away on his wrist/hand, but he has noticed it is now on his legs. Please pray this is nothing serious, and the doctors will be able to fix whatever is wrong. Thanks so much!


  1. Please keep us posted on how your Dad does.

  2. how is your Dad doing?

  3. Kara, he is doing really well. The rash is gone and the doctors aren't concerned. Thank you so much for your prayers. I will continue to keep you updated.

  4. Praying for your dad, Sarah! Keep us updated, okay?

  5. ok thanks! I am so glad! Tell your Dad that alot of people have been praying for him.
    Kara (aka Olly molly)

  6. Wow, I just noticed that there are 3,722 page views on here. That's amazing! Just think, this blog has been viewed 3,722 times, and I'm pretty sure that each time it's been viewed, someone has prayed for Sarah, her dad, and her family. Pretty awesome, don't you agree?

  7. I am praying for your father, Sarah. How is he doing? Please keep us posted.

  8. Kara (aka Olly molly)May 20, 2011 at 12:18 PM

    I am glad he is doing better. There sure is a lot of people praying for him!!! :)

  9. GJFH (aka GJFH :-D)May 21, 2011 at 11:55 AM

    I know, aren't there a whole lot of people praying for Sarah's family? I think it's great!

  10. Kara (aka Olly molly)May 30, 2011 at 8:10 AM

    I know there is alot! I also think it is great! :)
